
Five Fascinating Benefits Of Listening to Music

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Music is an ever-present thing that frames our everyday life. It is a mood booster, a refuge, and a powerful tool for social change. It changes the way we feel, perceive the world, perform similar actions, and communicate with other people. And there is also uncovered evidence for numerous health effects of music. And already the ancient Greeks must have discovered some healing effects of listening to music. No matter which music taste you have, it pervades your existence. But how does music affect our minds? How does it shape our identities? Let’s have a closer look at some surprising benefits of music for our physical and mental well-being.

Music Helps People Communicate With Each Other

We want to start our list with the social impact music has on the world’s culture. Humans played music before they could speak to each other. Therefore, music is the oldest form of communication. Did you know that music is much older than human language? Think about the rhythms of Zambian kalindula music or gospel. This music unites different people and builds powerful social bonds. It connects people in a very profound and emotional way and breaks cultural barriers.

 There are many historical examples of the important social impact of music. Music has become a catalyst for political and social movements including revolutions. Both gospel and jazz music were once powerful ways to address important social issues. According to a study of 2003 from the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, violent songs make people more aggressive by inciting aggressive thoughts. In some situations, people even use music as a crime prevention measure.

Music Reduces Physical Pain

One of the most incredible benefits of listening to music for our health is its healing effect. According to a study in 2013, a month-long listening to music led to lower levels of pain. The patients who took part in experiments suffered from fibromyalgia. While participants in experiments were listening to pleasant music, scientists placed electrodes on their fingers. They provoked the minor pain and analyzed how people responded to it.

But how does it exactly work? Physical pain always has a strong affective component. Melody and rhythm have an impact on how we respond to pain emotionally. Music helps in activating sensory pathways that dampen pain sensations. Music therapy is also sometimes used during childbirth. Women in labor have an easier time tolerating painful contractions when pleasant tunes are played. The melodic composition reduces pain levels and anxiety. In a way, music acts like dopamine, a neurotransmitter that relieves acute pain. So listening to music is a great pain management tool.

Music Reduces Stress And Depression Symptoms

Music helps us process complicated emotions and deal with significant stress. Research has found that listening to music synchronizes our brain with the rhythm of the song we are listening to. Music also lowers levels of cortisol, the stress hormone. It triggers biochemical stress reducers in our body.

Anesthesiologists report that people who regularly listen to relaxing calm music have lower blood levels of stress hormones. These hormones include adreno-corticotropin, prolactin, and human growth hormone. By listening to music we release the hormone dopamine which is responsible for activating pleasure centers. This is a dopamine hit that we also get when having sex, eating chocolate, or playing video games, or betting at websites like bet Zambia. During periods of negative feelings and psychological distress, choose rhythms with low frequencies, and slow, melodic compositions. The right selection of tracks works at the level of quality antidepressants and psychologist sessions. In some cases, this healing effect can even assist in therapy.

Music Boosts Cognitive Function

According to research, listening to music has a positive impact on many cognitive tasks. It activates different regions in the brain. These brain regions are responsible for memory, movement, emotions, and learning new information. Music also strengthens connections between them and develops mental skills and memory. As a result of listening to music, different parts of our head are activated. They have to process the information they received. The right hemisphere is responsible for intuition and imagination, while the left hemisphere “thinks” analytically. Listening to the song with both rhythms and lyrics activates the hemispheres in the brain.  Brain cells pick up the harmonious vibrations, react to them, and interact with each other. Music builds new neural connections and changes the structure of the brain. At the very least, our brain develops at such moments. Sometimes listening to music can even restore the previously lost functions of some parts of the hemispheres. Some research shows that without the use of special exercises for memory, a person still had good performance in this area if he or she practiced music as a child. And faster neural cognition helps you succeed in any sphere of your life. Listening to music can also reduce the risks of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. It helps people who struggle with memory loss.

Music Lowers Blood Pressure

When we are listening to relaxing music, our heart rate gets slower, and our blood pressure normalizes. Music also increases levels of endorphins in the blood. The most relevant in the therapeutic sphere are classical music compositions. Classic music can normalize blood pressure, have a positive effect on the heart and circulatory system. And listening to music generally improves blood circulation and our physical well-being. Research showed that the appropriate melody helps the patient to recover after heart surgery. Joyful and positive motifs evoke positive emotions and improve mood. That’s why therapists recommend using them for prevention of cardiovascular diseases. These are only some of the health benefits of listening to music. Grab your earphones and crank up the tunes!