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Young Upcoming Zambian Dancehall artist Tepizo opens many Zed music listeners minds Targeting Muzo aka Alphonso and the big bream “Slap Dee”. He has started by telling how he feels about slap dee’s recent practical songs – he says he is un-able to feel the passion in the Rapper’s commercial songs and it’s getting too much! And he closes his article by Praising the Copperbelt Kasama Swag MC “Muzo aka Alphonso”.


Music has got it’s up and downs but if we embrace the ups with fake people then our zed music wont sale abroad, I remember some years back when slap was the best because he had a soul and a feel for music but the slap we now know has lost the grip he is fightin for fame of which his music has lost it’s meaning I’m afraid so.

Sit down and listen to mainstream radio for 10 minutes, You’ll find yourself captivated by fresh beats and catchy hooks, but what are you really listening to? What is the music that we hear every day trying to get across? Although it may sound cool, “kuichaila or paya1” really isn’t very thought-provoking.

I understand that we all like dancing and partying, and that you can’t really listen your favorite P.K Chishala song at a
house party.
But enough is enough, isn’t it? Personally, every now and then, I like to hear something lyrically-meaningful. Money, cash, cars and “Just like that” are pretty played out. Of course there are artists out there who make their fair share of meaningful songs, but how many of those songs are hit singles? I mean, honestly, let’s listen to some of the lyrics out there. What is it about them that we love so much We’re lacking lyrical storytellers, eye-openers. We’re missing new material.

These are some of the things I think about when I listen to today’s popular music. And it’s discouraging. Every time I listen to the radio, I feel closer and closer to Common’s song “I Used to Love H.E.R.,” about a woman changing for the worse — the woman in this case being a metaphor for hip-hop. At the moment the only zambian artist trying to make a change is MUZO aka ALPHONSO atleast he is tryin to revive the true message in hip hop unlike all these wack artists fightin for fame through explicit content in music and behaviour.

Hip Hop music is constantly changing, and I’m afraid that it’s for the worse. I’m afraid I can’t just sit around and “Let it Rock” so “Please Excuse My Hands” while I put on some throwbacks and vibe.

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