It is no longer news that to make a name in the Zambian music industry it’s important to be strategic. You need to plot your moves carefully and have a reliable line of action. The music industry is currently open to newer acts that are approaching their crafts in inventive ways and one person whose name readily comes to mind in this regard is Towela Kaira. An energetic singer and performer who sways the audience with her peculiar style.
One striking thing about Towela is her sound. It’s unlike any other. It is seemingly a result of her growing up in a musical background where she familiarized herself with various instruments and sounds. She’s a sister to Macky 2 and Chef 187. Signed to Nexus Music Entertainment, she is quickly accruing a massive following both locally and internationally.
Even though Towela is relatively new to the Zambian music industry, she has given us so many jams that you couldn’t possibly count them all on one hand. She has positioned herself as one of the emerging artists poised to take over from industry veterans. Another interesting thing about her brand as an artist is how she strings her fans along by connecting with them on social media.
Many people questioned the motive behind the song. The song was quite different from the singer’s usual style as it seemed like she intended to appeal to the streets.
Here are some of the popular comments that fueled the Towela Kaira’s trend.

Personally, I (Surb Ratio) don’t think it was a bad song. However, it is somewhat an ill-advised move. It would appear that Towela developed an affection for the sound and wanted to experiment with it. In the course of doing this, she stripped essential parts of her style and the result wasn’t as pleasing as she expected it to be. This is not to say that the song won’t be a success or that her music career is likely to falter. It’s merely an observation and I strongly believe that she needs to calm down and stay in touch with her original self and sound.