Willian Wapi aka Lord Wapi is one of the celebrities who have endorsed Macky 2’s latest album “Olijaba”. Wapi took to his social media page and wrote “OK, BA MACKY 2 ,Listen um…and I’m not even joking right now. I have lost more than 50% of my friends to everything: Cancer, Kidney Failure, Whatever that was that Frederick suffered from, Suicide…, Hit and Run, this friend was run over so bad it took one whole week to recognise him, I have a friend who died in his house and was only found 3 days later, RTA with Frank this year, it goes on and on and I’m tired of burying.”
He went to say, “Let me confess. I needed something to make me mourn these people. To cry and release the anger. TGDY HAS MADE ME CRY LIKE AN IDIOT.”