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Slick Bowy – June Freestyle (Video)

Slick Bwoy has just released a brand new rap track, “June Freestyle“, and it’s a must-listen for fans of Zambian hip-hop.


As the title suggests, “June Freestyle” is a freestyle rap track that showcases Slick Bwoy’s lyrical skills and creativity. The track is characterized by its spontaneous and improvisational nature, with Slick Bwoy delivering bars that are both clever and captivating.

“June Freestyle” features Slick Bwoy’s signature style, which blends elements of hip-hop and African music. His flow is effortless, and his lyrics are both personal and relatable.

“June Freestyle” is a standout track that showcases Slick Bwoy’s talent and versatility as a rapper. The track is a testament to his skill and creativity, and it’s a must-listen for fans of Zambian music.

Watch the video below.