The Lusaka play house is where art lovers, artists ,comedians, actors, painters, dancers and poets meet. Apart from the arts, Its sometimes used for artist funerals, it was used for Daev Zambia’s funeral on the day of burial to celebrate his life by fellow musicians and fans.
Recently a developer announced that they want to construct a fueling station at the Lusaka play House, however artists namely PilAto, Holstar, Penjani didn’t take this so well.
Pilato posted on his Facebook page saying, “The rubbish of putting a filling station at the Lusaka Play house or any part of that property will not be tolerated.”
He went on to say, “Lusaka City Council please be reminded that we will not allow your myopic agenda to undermine the arts in this country. We only have one play house in Lusaka… but we have a thousands of filling stations. We will not allow anyone to take it away from us.”
He further stipulates, ”The silly Billboard you put up after the deadline was past did not serve it’s purpose.”
Holstar also commented saying, ”They must save that place at all costs for the arts – if it is a matter of funding I am cool with coming on board to help organize shows to save it.”
Penjani on Facebook also commented saying, “This is unthinkable and better not be allowed. Period. There is no justification whatsoever, let it be upgraded and any modifications should be in line with the arts. We owe it to ourselves and posterity.”