Lloydee” is Zambian hip-hop artist/Videographer, #Kabovelo, first single off Beatboxxmusiq under LokoZlaka Label.”Lloydee’s gears up to introduce himself and his upcoming brand #LokoZLaka #Kabovelo to africa and the world. While some see the value in the glamour we commonly depict of major artists today, Lloydee is giving that stigma a reset, presenting important matters around himself , friends, life,and pays respect to his late friend( Pjay da’future).
Through this record, he is setting the expectation straight that he did not leave the music scene but been behind the videos you have been seeing on Tv by Big known Local Zambian artists,#justLikeThat by @slapdee #mfwiti by @Brisky #Kumutima by @JayRoxa1 #Zexi by Funkboys,and its not just these but also produced the video which is on demand on channelO #Department by @swish ft @theOtherGuy
The song is produced by Drew MTB @beatboxxmusic #LokoZLaka.
DOWNLOAD MP3: Lloydee - Kabovelo (45281 downloads )