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DRiMZ – Ireen Mambilima (Acoustic Version)

DRiMZ whose name is an acronym for Determined, Resolute, Inspired and Motivated Zambian shared the acoustic version of his smash hit lullaby “Ireen Mambilima” which was inspired by Zambian female politician “Ireen Mambilima“.

[DRiMZ featured on The Hype via YouTube]

DRiMZ who runs an audio production house called Drim-10-ment has managed to pitch his musical geniusness on the rocks as he can be identitified by how he wages out the words in many of his song compositions.

You can also add the ice to the DRiMZ emblem by downloading the acoustic version of Ireen Mambilima below.

DOWNLOAD MP3: DRiMZ – Ireen Mambilima (Acoustic Version)