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Camstar’s management teams REGJOHNS INVESTMENT pay tuition fees for third-year student at Copperbelt

In a touching act of generosity, REGJOHNS Investment which happens to be Camstar’s management teams have stepped in to support Valentine Nkole, a third-year student at Copperbelt University. Valentine had been struggling with pending tuition fees and various hardships, which had brought him to the brink of despair.


Valentine Nkole reached out to the REGJOHNS Investment team in a moment of need, seeking assistance with his tuition fees. His situation had become so dire that he contemplated taking his own life. Recognizing the urgency and gravity of his plea, the teams at REGJOHNS Investment and Camster management quickly mobilized to provide the necessary support.

This act of kindness underscores an essential message: the importance of speaking up about hardships and mental health issues. Valentine’s story highlights that there are people and organizations willing to listen and help. By reaching out, he found the support he needed and serves as an inspiration for others facing similar challenges to do the same.

The team successfully settled the outstanding tuition fees, alleviating a significant burden from Valentine’s shoulders. The relief and gratitude were evident on Valentine’s face when he received the help, a testament to the profound impact that timely support can have on an individual’s life.

The collaboration between REGJOHNS Investment and Camstar support Valentine Nkole is a powerful reminder of the impact that empathy and swift action can have on individuals facing hardship. By addressing Valentine’s immediate needs and encouraging openness about mental health issues, this story spreads a message of hope and community support.